Costa Rica Tours - Rio Celeste - Real Estate

Rio celeste tours offers an incredibly rich habitat for flora and fauna

Rio celeste tours within Tenorio Volcano national park has a major attraction which is The Celeste River that runs through the park. The Celeste River’s waterfall makes for breathtaking scenery, there is an incredible blue lagoon, the origins of the Celeste River is where two streams merge and their clear waters turn blue.

Rio Celeste Costa Rica Tours offers an incredibly rich habitat for flora and fauna, spider monkeys, pumas, tapirs, howler monkeys, and white-faced monkeys, collared peccaries, toucans, aracaris, sloths, blue jean dart frog, hawks, turkey vultures as well as the occasional ocelot and king vulture are one of the frequently spotted species through the park. Also with Rio celeste tours you can go through the water floating is another perspective that we give as a guides doingtubing.

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